Forested Hillside Lot Close To Power

Forested Hillside Lot Close To Power
Teller County
0.51 Acre

Purchase Info

Property Details

Location & Size


The subject property is a .51 acre lot situated along Pinon Lane in Colorado Mountain Estates, a forested mountain community located off Teller County Road 1 and just south of Florissant.

Colorado Mountain Estates is an architecturally controlled and covenant protected community which spans over 2,000 acres between the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument in the west and the Mueller State Park in the east. It is an upscale mountain community which boasts a serene setting on the outskirts of the Pike San Isabel National Forest.

Teller County, Colorado

0.51 Acre


648 Pinon Lane


Legal Information


When we speak of property we typically use an address -- 123 Main Street for instance. 

As most vacant land does not have a physical address, however, county governments will identify it in other ways, such as a "legal description", a parcel number or a tax code. The information provided in the table to the right are the ways in which the various state and county agencies will identify this specific parcel of land. These signifiers are important to have when speaking with these agencies - whether they be the assessor, the zoning office, or even the local utilities - and may prove invaluable when initiating conversations about whatever research a buyer intends to do.

Whenever one exists or has been assigned to the land, the physical address will be included in this table.

Colorado Mountain Estates, Unit 10, Lot 1299




Access & Utilities


Roads & Access: The subject property is located along Pinon Lane in the southeast most part of the subdivision. As with the rest of the community, roads here are regularly maintained, in good condition and can be navigated by any vehicle type.

Power & Utilities: The subject property is one of the few within the Colorado Mountain Estates community which does not have power lines at its property boundary. Instead, the nearest ones can be found servicing a developed home site located about four hundred feet south along Pinon Lane. Curiously, however, underground telecom boxes do a have a presence on this road extending as far as the neighboring lot to the north. Given their relative proximity, and the fact the entire community has been outfitted with them, it should be of little additional expense to develop the land. Anyone looking to investigate the costs associated with getting service connected on the subject property is encouraged to contact CORE Electric Cooperative, the utility company servicing this region.



Pinon Lane

Well-Maintained Dirt/Gravel Road

100 Feet (Eastern Boundary)

400 Feet South Of Subject Property

Underground Telecom At The Lot Line

By Well or Holding Tank

By Septic or Alternative

Zoning & Restrictions


POA: Colorado Mountain Estates is governed by a Property Owner's Association (POA). While many subdivisions have POAs which do little more than collect annual dues for non-descript or theoretical improvement projects, the Colorado Mountain Estates POA is actively involved in the community through their work in road maintenance, conservation efforts and fire prevention. In addition, Colorado Mountain Estates defines itself as a "covenant and architecturally controlled community" meaning that rules exist for land use and development and those rules are enforced.

While many buyers may recoil at the suggestion of rules or governing organizations, good POAs can be a benefit to the land and homeowners in their communities as they help to beautify the region and ensure that property values increase over time. For anyone who would like to learn more about the Colorado Mountain Estates POA you can visit their website here or their Facebook page here.

Zoning: This region falls under Teller County's R-1 Residential Zoning designation. Anyone who would like to familiarize themselves with those ordinances may do so by reading this PDF. That said, whatever guidelines the County has for residential development and land use within its borders would come second to the rules and regulations of the Colorado Mountain Estates POA.

Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions: When the Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision was first created, the developer drew up a set of covenants and restrictions to run with the land. These covenants discuss a range of topics from Property Rights to Membership & Voting Rights to Maintenance Assessments. Anyone who would like to learn more about these can do so by reading the document attached here.

Architectural Control Committee: An Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is an elected group of community members who help to ensure that new structures developed within the subdivision comply both with County regulations as well as the covenants, bylaws, rules and policies of Colorado Mountain Estates. This can range from the types of structures which get approved, to building materials, setback requirements, fence construction and even driveways. In addition, the ACC helps new resident-members with proper permitting as well as compliance with County regulations and can even be of assistance in recommending local vendors best suited for tasks such as tree clearing and general construction. In short, for the property owner who is comfortable with the extra degree of scrutiny, these organizations can be a benefit in that they help to insure an "aesthetic uniformity" to the community and thus, maintain its property values. For anyone who would like to learn more about the Colorado Mountain Estates ACC, you can read the PDF linked here.

Annual Dues: Annual Dues within Colorado Mountain Estates are under $50.00 a year per lot. These annual dues may not increase more than 5% year-over-year unless approved by a vote of the community members. While other fees may exist for construction or fishing permits, these are the only ones which are mandatory.

Yes, Colorado Mountain Estates POA



12 Months From Ground-Breaking

Title Info



Free & Clear




Yes - Insured Through Empire Title of Colorado Springs

Warranty Deed



Helpful Links


The Hemingway Land Company does our best to represent the properties we list as accurately as possible. Our research, however, will always be limited. 

Because of this, included in the table to the right is a list of the relevant state and county governments, agencies and authorities as well as local utilities (and all their respective websites and contact information) which should help to answer any questions a buyer may have about developing this specific property.

Whenever possible it is best to speak with these agencies first as they will always be a far greater source of information about the local region and the regulations which govern it. 

(719) 689-2941
(719) 686-5414
(800) 332-9540
(719) 748-3100
Click Here
(303) 866-3581



Boundary Markers: Boundary stakes can be found marking the corners of the subject property (see gallery at the bottom of this page). Due to its forested setting, however, some of these may be difficult to locate. Fortunately, anyone looking to develop the land will likely have help from the ACC in identifying their exact boundaries as all the lots in the subdivision were surveyed and staked during the creation of the subdivision. Because of this, it's questionable that a new survey would be required.

Lake Magnusson: Colorado Mountain Estates is home to Lake Magnusson which can be used for fishing and general relaxation. It should be noted that the lake exists for the benefit of community members and their guests. While a Colorado State fishing license is not required, an annual CME fishing permit is. The "suggested donation" for such a permit is $10.00. In addition, it's important to know that the lake may only be used for fishing and not boating and that all fishing is conducted under the "catch and release" plan.

Fire Prevention: As with any community in a forested setting, diligent efforts are made by the Colorado Mountain Estates POA to prevent forest fires and preserve the integrity of the residences. This includes the creation of home ignition zones as well as a community Fire Department ready to respond to any threats. In addition, the CME NoFloCo Mitigation Posse (no doubt trademarked) is a volunteer group which helps to educate residents about better ways to fire-proof their land.

Realtor: This property is also listed with Colorado Realtor Rob Herrmann of Whitetail Properties. Anyone who would prefer to deal with him directly may contact his office at or 607.351.7402.

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Photo of a southwestern landscape

Maps and Boundaries

Towns and Attractions

Nearby Towns


As noted, the Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision is located just a few miles south of Florissant and Lake George, both of which feature options for food and building supplies (Florissant has the closest Ace Hardware). Anything that can't be found in these two towns, however, can very easily be procured in Woodland Park, roughly twenty minutes from the subject property. Woodland Park features a number of big box stores including Walmart as well as grocery stores, pharmacies, fast food restaurants and camping supply stores.

It should be noted that Cripple Creek is also roughly fifteen minutes south of the land. While this quaint mountain community doesn't feature many big box stores, it does have a number of places to eat, relax and gamble and boasts its own Ace Hardware.

6 miles (14 min)

16 miles (26 min)

36 miles (52 min)

44 miles (50 min)

78 miles (1 h 31 min)

104 miles (2 h 12 min)

115 miles (2 h 27 min)

Nearby Attractions


While this property is located in a rural region, it does sit within a thirty-minute drive of a number of enviable attractions such as Eleven Mile State Park, Spinney Mountain State Park and Antero Reservoir. Each features plenty of opportunities for boating, kayaking, fishing, fly fishing, ice fishing, hiking, camping, picnicking, etc. Anyone curious to learn more about these individual parks is encouraged to visit their respective websites.

In addition, the subject property sits within easy driving distance of the entrance to the Pike-San Isabel National Forest. Covering over three million acres of land and home to Pike's Peak, this region will provide excellent opportunities for hunting enthusiasts as well as hikers, campers and climbers of all ages.

Finally, it should also be noted that the town of Breckenridge is only an hour and a half away and is one of Colorado's top tier skiing destinations. Offering five peaks to explore with activities as varied as snowboarding, sledding, snowmobiling and even sleigh rides, every skill and age level will have something to enjoy in this wintery paradise. In addition, the town also boasts a rich mining history and features a number of historic mining tours and museums commemorating this fact. 

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Purchasing Information

Full Price

At checkout you’ll be asked to place a Non-Refundable Earnest Money Deposit of $500.

  • You may elect to fund and close this transaction either by paying our company directly or by employing a title company. At checkout you'll be asked to select your preference.
  • Within 24 hours of your deposit, we will email you the documentation that corresponds to your selection.
  • If you elect to close outside of escrow, that email will include a new deed plus payment instructions. Buyers may pay the remaining balance via credit card, wire transfer or cashier's check.
  • If you elect to close through a title company, that email will include a copy of a Sale/Purchase Agreement. You must review and sign this document within 96 Hours to open escrow. A copy of the sale/purchase agreement you'll be asked to sign can be viewed here.
  • Please be advised, this is not an installment sale. This is a cash purchase. You should not initiate this transaction unless you are prepared to pay the entire cost of the land.
  • This deposit is non-refundable.
  • This property is also listed with Colorado Realtor Rob Herrmann of Whitetail Properties. Anyone who would prefer to deal with him directly may contact his office at or 607.351.7402.

No Financing Available

Hemingway Land is unable to offer in-house financing for this property at this time.

  • For those looking to explore other options, we've compiled a list of potential lenders and alternative resources which past buyers have successfully used to obtain funding for their purchases. That list can be found on our Financing Information page. 
  • Buyers should also be aware that a Google search of banks and other lenders local to the property (same state) may return a surprising list of institutions and individuals willing to finance the purchase of vacant land, including some who boast favorable terms and competitive rates.
  • While our company cannot assist you in the financing of this property, we wish all of our buyers the best of luck in obtaining sources of funding that will. 

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